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Team assignment in Design Manager?

Sascha Ackva (1024) | asked Jun 17 '14, 5:13 a.m.

I am currently looking into the user access management within the JAZZ environment. While the RM has solved this issue with a great level of detail I find it difficult to see the implementation in the DM.

I am able to define teams in the project administration area, so far so good.
But you seem only to be able to assign a team to a workspace  (I see the dialog in the /vvc but didn't succeed yet, no teams displayed). What I would expect, is to be able to assign a team to a DM managed model within a workspace (on the top level only, not sub-components/packages due to the dependencies). Is there a possibility to do this?

Best Regards,

Accepted answer

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Alex Fitzpatrick (5583816) | answered Jun 18 '14, 10:57 a.m.
Hello Sascha,

My understanding is that access, roles and permissions are not customizable per-model but rather by project area, similar to RTC.
Sascha Ackva selected this answer as the correct answer

Sascha Ackva commented Jun 23 '14, 3:42 a.m.

Good morning Alex,

many thanks for the answer.
Personally I feal that the association with RTC is not good in this context.
A workspace is a configuration item and may contain several artifacts, i.e. models (Rhapody, Matlab Simulink), which are intentionally kept together for CM reasons. The analogy here has to be made with DOORS NG, where you may keep several modules (and there folders) in one workspace as well.
In DNG the implementation is made in a way that folders (as well as individual artifacts and artifact types!) can be assigned to teams. Making the analogy between folders in DNG and models in DM you can see the level of granularity in access management needed.
I see a strong need for the DM to enhance the user access management. Keeping it on project or workspace level is not sufficient today.

Best Regards,

Alex Fitzpatrick commented Jun 23 '14, 4:06 p.m.

I'm just telling you how it works.

What you are suggesting is a fairly significant redesign because of the way resources are stored and managed through JTS, but free to log an RFE.

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