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Implementing a role based Change Management Workflow in RTC for Systems Engineering Application

Sascha Ackva (1024) | asked Jun 12 '14, 4:25 a.m.


Being fairly new to the Jazz environment I am about to implement for a systems engineering environment a change management workflow, that allows me to link and trace changes to requirements (DNG) and design artifacts with Jazz 5.0. Out of the box RTC seems to me limited with respect to the management of states and transition of work items, i.e. state transitions can be initiated by everyone being access the work item, which is not sufficient. For an operational environment I have the following requests for such a workflow, I hope you can give me an idea how to approach it:

1.       Every engineer is able to create a new change request (CR), which is then forwarded to the Change Board for acceptance. The Change Board is a role. Every member of the role should be able to put the CR into accepted state.

2.       The Change Board is allowed to create and assign a number of investigation tasks (FI) or implementation tasks (CA).

3.       All sub-tasks (FI & CA) have to be in a resolved state before the overall change request can be put into a validation state. Validation is to be performed by a member of the role V&V.

4.       After successful validation of the CR the Change Board again puts the CR into a resolved state.

The help for the RTC unfortunately does not really give me the right hint where to go. Is it possible to allow certain state transitions for specific roles/user groups?  Would the approval tracking a possibility to implement this? Many thanks for your help.

Best Regards,


Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 12 '14, 5:06 a.m.
Sascha, permissions allow you to control which role is allowed to do a workflow action.

1. By configuring which role can do certain state changes, you can control for 1.
Please see: especially lab 3 for more information.
Please see for how permissions work.
Also see (should still apply)

2. You can use permissions to control who can create work items of a certain type too.

3. There is an operation behavior (advisor) for save work item on the server called "Strict Group Resolution" that can be used for this purpose. See for rules that apply. This advisor works for all work item types. If you want to limit this for certain types only, you could create a custom advisor that separates the types it works for and calls the one that is available.

See for hints how to implement something like this.
Sascha Ackva selected this answer as the correct answer

Sascha Ackva commented Jun 16 '14, 3:40 a.m.

Hello Ralph,
many thanks for the comprehensive answer. I am still in the process to get the RTC/RMC client installation running, so I am looking forward to check things out.

One more question regarding the team setup. While defining the project roles and permissions I am able to assign roles directly to every member of the project. In addition I am also able to setup teams and assign roles to the team members.

Are the permissions for a certain user added up, i.e. project and team permissions are accumulated? Or is there a hierarchy or other type of relation between the two types?

Best Regards,

One other answer

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Sascha Ackva (1024) | answered Jun 16 '14, 6:08 a.m.
Found a good explanation on how project level and team level permissions fit together:

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