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Decimal attribute value is getting converted to integer.

Yogashree M (7619) | asked Jun 08 '14, 5:23 a.m.
Decimal attribute type is created and it is added to the presentation,when creating a work item and the value of decimal attribute is entered, the Value is getting converted into integer.could you please help me find out the solution of this?

Arun K Sriramaiah commented Jun 08 '14, 5:31 a.m.

Hi Yoga,

Can you share the below details.

1) Issue is with web or \RTC client?
2) RTC client \server versions?
3) Browser type\ Version ?
4) Is it happening with all the browsers?
5) Any recent changes in the browser settings ?


Yogashree M commented Jun 08 '14, 6:03 a.m.

Hi Arun,

1)Issue is with web
2)server version  4.0.6
3)Browsre type Mozilla firefox,Browser version 29.0.1
4))Yes,i have tried with all the browser.
5)No, there is no recent changes made in browser settings

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Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k23677) | answered Jun 08 '14, 6:10 a.m.
Hi Yogashree,

Thanks for the details.

I would suspect its the browser language issue.

Verify did you set the preferred Language to English if not change the preferred Language to "English" and ensure it should be having high preferences on top.


Yogashree M selected this answer as the correct answer

Yogashree M commented Jun 08 '14, 6:16 a.m.

Hi Arun,
Thank  you for the answer.


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