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4.0.6 upgrade, hit Oracle max processes limit - Is there a suggested value for this parameter?

Jason Fregien (58910) | asked May 05 '14, 10:28 a.m.
I've recently upgraded from RTC to 4.0.6.   We had been using a max processes limit of 300, but this does not appear to be high enough for 4.0.6.  The system hit the num processes limit once during the actual upgrade process.  It then hit it again during the nightly ETL jobs.  (no users using the system at all yet)  

I am wondering if there is a suggested number for the max processes, or if we just need to bump it up and guess if it is enough.  

3 answers

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered May 06 '14, 10:32 a.m.

Hi Jason,

Usually decreasing the number of JDBC and Mediator pool connections would be the alternative to raising the Oracle limits.  Are you using WAS or Tomcat?

You do need to set the Oracle limit higher than the JDBC/Mediator connections due to ETLs and other system connections, but I am afraid there is no rule of thumb that I am aware of.

If you can provide the additional info, it might be able to comment further.  If you can get your DBA to give you the list of users accessing the databases, then it should also be able to guesstimate how many you (should) require.


Jason Fregien commented May 06 '14, 1:58 p.m.

I'm running with Tomcat.   

Unfortunately the DBA's were locked out of the DB when the max limit was hit and they had to bounce the DB.  So we couldn't tell what was going on.   I now have access to see the current sessions and have been keeping an eye on that as well as the number of processes in v$process.   I've yet to see the number of processes get over 60, even when running all the ETL processes.   So I have no idea what would have caused it to jump up to over 300 processes.   The only idea I have is perhaps the first-time bulk migrations have some large, parallel sql that pushed it over the limit... 

Paul Ellis commented May 19 '14, 10:30 a.m. | edited May 19 '14, 10:33 a.m.

Hi again Jason,

I have been holding off replying, as I too am unsure of why this limit would peak other than through natural causes, such as the upgrade.  I am afraid I am the wrong person to comment on the intricacies of upgrade in those terms.
Are you using Suspect Links in 4.x?  I know that this could take some time in the initial indices will undoing the Suspect Links (turning it off, so be warned if you did!)
As you do have 300 Oracle connections, if you do continue to monitor the $vprocesses in Oracle and note you're not going above say 150, then you could increase the JDBC/Mediator pool sizes accordingly...see These JDBC/Mediator pool sizes are 128 by default btw

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered May 05 '14, 10:34 a.m.
edited May 05 '14, 10:36 a.m.
Hello Jason,

this section of the info center talks about the limits for open files and processes:

Planning to install on UNIX and Linux systems
* hard nofile 65536
* soft nofile 65536
* hard nproc 10000
* soft nproc 10000

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

Jason Fregien commented May 05 '14, 11:26 a.m.

Thank you for this information.  The recommended OS settings for linux is good to know as well, but I was asking about the actual Oracle parameter which limits the number of processes for the DB.   

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k10287273) | answered May 16 '14, 2:33 p.m.
 Any answer to this?

Paul Ellis commented May 19 '14, 10:35 a.m.

Hi Sterling,

Which aspect of this post were you interested in?  There is no absolute value for the Oracle connections, as it is usually based on your mediator pool sizes.  However, this is usually for the main Jazz applications.  I have seen admin and ETL users go outside this.
Please let me know if I didn't address something from your perspective too.

Sterling Ferguson-II commented May 19 '14, 4:07 p.m.


I have 2 Oracle customers I am about to upgrade. We have experienced the file limit error above, but I was just researching any additional problems that may occur and how to combat them in advance.

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