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RTC Constraint Date Type is making date attribute Read Only

Jazz Queries (111421) | asked Apr 29 '14, 9:09 a.m.
 For a date attribute in RTC, the requirement is to put only date hence i changed the display type to constraint, but in  UI I see the field as read only with none option. Is it right behaviour?

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Apr 30 '14, 2:52 a.m.
The "Constraint Date" is normally used in Formal Project Management process configuration combined with "Constraint Type". "Constraint Date" attribute is editable only when the value of "Constraint Type" is "Start No Earlier Than" or "Finish No Later Than".
To achieve your requirement, in the editor presentation. you need to use "Timestamp" as the Kind. And in the "Mode" (in the bottom), select "Date".

Lily Wang commented Apr 30 '14, 2:53 a.m.

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