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RLIA Git Adapter setup

mike brosnan (1011213) | asked Apr 16 '14, 7:17 a.m.
When setting up the RLIA GIT Adapter through the setup wizard, it's not clear if a new database schema user is required or I re-use the JTS or CCM database schema user

The link for DB setup only references the CLM schema names, but makes no mention of the Git Adapter

3 answers

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Apr 16 '14, 9:01 a.m.
There is no DB schema user required for the RLIA GIT Adapter. Only a supported database is required, see
After the adapter has been installed, it is registered as an application with the Jazz Team Server (JTS) and then becomes known to the Jazz Team Server and any Rational Team Concert application registered with that JTS.

Take a look at these links for guidance on installation:

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mike brosnan (1011213) | answered Apr 22 '14, 7:07 a.m.
 If you click on the first link, it says

"Follow those steps to set up a database for the adapter. Use a unique name for your database, for example,  GIT."

So a DB schema user is required, are there any details of the privileges required? Is this the same as the JTS and CCM schema DB schema users?

The 1.1 version I downloaded does not come with any trial license keys as part of the install through installation manager, do I just open a PMR to get a trial license key?

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Apr 22 '14, 10:36 a.m.
Hello Mike, I have set this up using the default Derby and DB2 and have not needed to know about any specific privileges. Perhaps you are planning to use Oracle.  If so, the topic mentions to follow the same Oracle DB setup instructions used for JTS or CCM.  In the Oracle topic, it mentions information about sysadmin privileges.

The GIT adapter comes with a trial CAL according to the help topic. If you are having trouble enabling it, yes, please open a support ticket.

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