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Copy Workitem between project areas using RTC API

suresh k (11169) | asked Mar 31 '14, 8:31 a.m.


Am exploring options to copy workitem programmatically from Project Area A to Project Area B to sync both these stream on workitem save event of project area A .Note that these project areas are configured to serve functional and techncial folks separately.

Have seen some articles that states duplicate workitem first before changing category/field against/project area fields to get copy of workitem and looking for more technical steps to implement this.

Can you help me out on this please.


Suresh .

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Apr 01 '14, 9:22 a.m.
 Hello Suresh,
RTC code  use uses a CopyToProjectAreaOperation
but I don't think this is API.

The solution to implement here is to
- create a work item copy from the original one
- set the project area / team are for the copy
- commit


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vikrant kamble (1323897) | answered Feb 24 '16, 6:13 a.m.
 Hi Eric,
In your answer do you mean to say,
Create copy of project area,
Then for "Project Area" attribute of that work item, set required project area using java client api and save work item.

I had a look at CopyToProjectAreaOperation class inside public boolean performFinish() method of

I only picked up that much of code inside performFinish() method, hardcoded all the required parameters that needs to be passed to CopyToProjectAreaOperation constructor, but I could not see work item moved to target project area.

Any suggestions.?

vikrant kamble commented Feb 24 '16, 6:16 a.m.

I posted question about sameĀ here

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