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How to query for items assigned on a particular timeline using OSLC

John Revano (112) | asked Jan 24 '14, 12:39 a.m.
edited Jan 24 '14, 2:09 a.m.
Hey guys, I'm currently developing a sidebar widget for Notes which will allow the user to view the "n" latest sprints and display the title/url of the underlying work items. However, I'm having a roadblock.

I access the timeline of the project by visiting this URL: After that,
I get an XML with a list of iterations. I query the <jp:url> tags and try to visit all subsequent elements with url contents on it but I couldn't obtain a list of work items.

Am I doing the correct approach for querying the associated items for a sprint? If not, what
should be the correct way to access all work items associated with a certain sprint? Thanks!

Edit: nvm, found the solution. Basically I iterate on the project timeline and extract the iteration ID.
Then I query this URL:"<iterationID>"

One answer

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Jan 24 '14, 7:09 a.m.
Hi John,
I believe that you can find the answer here:
Let us know if it helps.

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