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RRDI - Changes not updated in the datawarehouse

Bharath M (5465428) | asked Jan 23 '14, 1:44 a.m.
Hi ,

We are on RTC 3011 and RRDI 102. I'm trying to develop a normal list report which pulls Story workitems for project A. When I looked at the results, there are some workitems that belong to project B. So I checked each of these workitems and confirmed that they were moved from project A to B sometime ago. But for some reason, the report still treats them as Project A workitems and it is not considering any changes that are done to these workitems after the move. So I assume the data warehouse is not updated with the changes.

Is there anything that I need to do manually to update these changes?

Report pulls the data from Request Area >> Request.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.


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Adam Wereszczynski (92811932) | answered Jan 23 '14, 3:38 a.m.
Hi Bharath,

Did you try disabling cognos caching?
I copy the instructions from below:

Steps to Disable at Server Level

1. Copy the c8_location/configuration/CQEConfig.xml.sample file to c8_location/bin and rename it CQEConfig.xml.
2. Open the c8_location/bin/CQEConfig.xml in an editor.
3. Ensure that your editor supports saving files in UTF-8 format.
4. Find the queryReuse parameter and change the value to 0.
5. Save the CQEConfig.xml file.
6. Using IBM Cognos Configuration, stop and then restart IBM Cognos 8.

Please disable caching and try again.

If you problem is still not solved, please open a new PMR. Our support engineers will help you in finding out if the Data Warehouse is up to date.

Bharath M commented Jan 27 '14, 5:57 a.m.

Hi Adam ,

Disabling caching dint fix the issue. I'll raise a PMR and work with the support.

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