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not able to import requirements to RQM 4.0.3

SMitha kumari (245254) | asked Jan 10 '14, 1:57 a.m.

Hi team,

We have requirement to import test cases and associated requirements to import in to RQM. Test cases we are able to import, but not able to import requirements. it is giving below errors. Tried in google, found some qm/admin-> advanced proprties setting.. Even after those changes, it is giving same error.

Sending requirement 0 named ID.01...

Error sending to server ID.01 of type requirement

Sending requirement 1 named ID.02...

Error sending to server ID.02 of type requirement

Sending requirement 2 named ID.03...

Error sending to server ID.03 of type requirement

Sending requirement 3 named ID.04...

Error sending to server ID.04 of type requirement

Sending requirement 4 named ID.05...

Error sending to server ID.05 of type requirement

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Jan 10 '14, 4:07 a.m.

Hi SMitha,
Could you please share with us how you are currently attempting to import requirements? Are you using RQM Excell import utility?

2 answers

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Thomas Suedbroecker (29335) | answered Jan 10 '14, 4:11 a.m.
Hello Smitha,

with version of RQM and the RQM Excel Importer do you use? With base template did use?

Maybe you can try the version 4.0.1 of the RQM Excel Importer and give a feedback.

Try the sample configuration under C:\[Program Files\IBM]\RQMExcelImporterX64\Samples  Requirements 001.xls

Does this work?



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Xuyi Wu (154) | answered Jun 20 '17, 5:48 a.m.


i face the same problem. I have also tried the sample "Requirements001.xls", but it doesn't work.
I am using RQM 6.0.4 RC. Is it not able to import the requirements via excel sheet?


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