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insert image in rqm

Malaya Sethi (113552) | asked Dec 29 '13, 1:02 p.m.
While inserting image while running test script in RQM, everytime it is asking for downlaoding the "rqm_screencapture.jnpl" file.

I am using IE 10 and Mozilla 26.

can i install it once and used for ever. Please help

2 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Dec 30 '13, 4:46 a.m.
Hi Malaya.
rqm_screencapture.jnpl is really small file which starts imaging tool. What is the reason that you want to download it once?

Malaya Sethi commented Dec 30 '13, 5:51 a.m.

everytime I want to insert an image I have to download it and run it. I want to download once and use it with out downloading further.

please help.

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Brigitte Hermle (1) | answered Jan 07 '14, 8:57 a.m.

Hi Krzysztof,

in my environment it still takes 7 to 8 seconds to start. And if I want to add one image per step ... that takes a lot of time.

At least it would help if the tool would not close after every image. Let me decide when I want it to close. And do not download when it is already started.

Best regards,


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