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can I delete org.eclipse.core.resource.prefs

Sung Chew (161912) | asked Nov 22 '13, 5:53 p.m.
Hello, When I edited a source file and I tried to save it , RTC said
that I needed to save it in UTF-8 which I did.
After I saved it, RTC created a .settings folder with file named
org.eclipse.core.resource.prefs. This file is causing an error
when I attempt a build. Can I delete folder .settings?
I only see org.eclipse.core.resource.prefs in .settings and
it contains only one line


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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Nov 25 '13, 8:51 a.m.
hi Sung,
prefs folder contain all preferences for your Eclipse e.g. current colors and themes set. If you delete this folder, then you loose all these settings (you should have all set to default). After deleting this folder it should recreate automatically anyway.
Please let us know if it helps you.

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