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Out Of the Box RTC Reports Not Working With Amended Workflow Process

Grant Sugars (111) | asked Nov 08 '13, 11:06 a.m.
When creating Project areas in RTC, we have re-configured the out-of-the box process to suit our workflow. In doing this, the Reports that IBM supply have stopped working. We think this is due to the supplied reports looking for certain work item types and attributes etc. Because we have changed a number of the defult settings, the work items that we create do not have the standard work item and attribute values, which I think the Reports look for. In particular, the Release and Advanced Release Burndown charts show no data whatsover, but there are a large number of User Story type work items.

We had an IBM consulant go through and have a look into this, and she suggested that this issue is raised. Below is the e-mail we recieved after her visit:

--- Release Reports not Working
After some investigation I notice that there are two Story Point attributes identified within the complexity attribute section of your Master Project Area (01-OLM-Group Master).  It looks like the Project Area (master) is not using the right Story Point attribute.  If you open the Project Area (01-OLM-Group Master) Project Configuration tab and drill down to the Plan Attributes section, you see there are two Story Point attributes in the mapping section with the same ID?

I suggest you raise a PMR with IBM support using your customer ID and provide them with the Project Templates used to create the O1 OLM Group Master project area as they will then be able to recreate the issue you are seeing but also trace the attributes being used for the Story and complexity.

The out of the box reports pick up the attributes set in the Plan Attributes section and the top level plan items section which OLM have identified all the Story Work Item types.  Like I mentioned earlier, I suspect the complexity attribute has a confused mapping somewhere which support will be able to help you with.

The out of the box reports are installed into the ...\IMShared\plugins\ directory where you can find the report (Release Burndown.rptdesign) and potentially customise it in BIRT.  Once customised, store the .reportdesign file away on file server somewhere to prevent over writing when upgrading. ---

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Nov 08 '13, 1:48 p.m.
If you have added entries to the complexity (Story Points) the values put into the RTC database will not be recognized as integer values as are those in the "out of the box" configuration and calculations of Story Points won't "look right"

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