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RRC 4.0.4 and RSA 8.0.3 integration

Vitor Batista (1177) | asked Oct 03 '13, 9:04 a.m.
Can I link a UML element into RSA (without DM extension) to a requirement from RRC?
And about linking an RTC work item with an UML element from RSA Model tree?

3 answers

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Steve Arnold (28131511) | answered Oct 04 '13, 2:18 a.m.
You need RSA Design Manager.  When you've just got the models locally they don't really have a fixed url, and nowhere for the other tools to query in order to find the back links.

Without design manager, all you could do would be to manually add urls to model elements and point them at jazz elements, however, the jazz tools won't know anything about them - so they won't show up in RRC, or RTC.


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Luiz Almeida (23016191) | answered Oct 04 '13, 7:55 a.m.
The way I used to link UML elements in RSA to requirements in RRC is through workitens in RTC.
I create the link from the requirement (RRC) for the workitem (RTC) and then join the workitem to the UML element in RSA.

Vitor Batista commented Oct 04 '13, 8:36 a.m.

But how do you link RTC workitem to a UML element in RSA? I tried to drag and drop WIs to UML elements and vice-versa, but without sucess.

Are you using RTC 4 and RSA 8? 

Luiz Almeida commented Oct 10 '13, 7:42 a.m.

Vitor, I made a mistake. In fact, I associate the workitem with the model file I changed when I deliver a changeset in RTC controle version.

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Shuhichi Saitoh (20059) | answered Oct 10 '13, 8:54 a.m.
How about using "URL" element of RSA model?
1. Right click UML element to link,
2. Add UML -> URL
3. Input RRC resource/RTC work item URL

Although you cannot navigate from RRC resource/Work Item to UML element, it is better than nothing...

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