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RTC 4.0.3: Associating WorkItems with a Build Result?

Jason MacDonald (1146) | asked Sep 20 '13, 12:36 p.m.
We're using RTC 4.0.3, and even though we have a requirement to supply a WorkItem and comment to a changeset, nothing appears in the build result's Work Items tab after a build completes.

Is there a way to display what WIs were associated with a particular build? I looked at the workItemPublisher Ant task, but that didn't seem to be it (unless you create the changeset/WI file prior, somehow).


2 answers

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Manoj Panda (39346762) | answered Sep 22 '13, 7:02 a.m.
would you like to have a look , how the JKE Build has been done?? That will give you some insight about the WI associated with the Build.

Jason MacDonald commented Sep 23 '13, 8:48 a.m.

Sure, but I thought it would be built-in to see what work Items were part of each build. If there's something you could show me, that would be great.


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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Sep 23 '13, 10:40 a.m.
You have to accept the change via the teamAccept Ant task, or through the Jazz Build Engine.  Then it will create the work item/change set linkages.


Jason MacDonald commented Sep 23 '13, 11:17 a.m.

Okay, that makes sense, but I guess I have to understand where check-in/deliver a changeset falls into the workflow. I added the teamAccept task but the log shows:

[teamAccept] Accepted 0 change sets.
[teamAccept] Discarded 0 change sets.

even though I delivered a change. There is an entry in the changeset file I supplied in the teamAccept task as well...

Thanks for any help Spencer!

Spencer Murata commented Sep 23 '13, 11:20 a.m.

Do you have a dedicated build workspace?  If you are delivering to the same workspace that is doing the accept there will not be anything to accept!


Jason MacDonald commented Sep 23 '13, 12:35 p.m.

The simple things.... after creating a new build WS, there are links being displayed for the changes, although it still says this in the log

Thanks Spencer!!

Nick Edgar commented Oct 27 '13, 2:03 p.m.

Jason, could you please mark Spencer's response as accepted? 

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