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RTC CCM: problems modifying links that require the referenced resource to maintain a back link

Alex Goldin (1111) | asked Sep 17 '13, 11:59 a.m.
edited Feb 23 '14, 8:10 a.m. by Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4)
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to integrate RTC 4.0.3 with home made OSLC CM content provider, but unfortunately have a problem with updating back links.

My OSLC CM content provider is developed by use of Eclipse Lyo SDK ( in general, and is based on OSLC4J Bugzilla adapter example.
I already succeeded to make my OSLC CM content provider to be a Friend with CCM, created a new Association for Related Change Requests in corresponding Change Management project, and linked an existing Work Item with some Related Change Request coming from my OSLC CM content provider.

My problem is that when I'm trying to Save the Work Item changes (just after linking) I got Save error message saying "There were problems modifying links that require the referenced resource to maintain a back link."

RTC CCM Save Back Link Error Message

I can skip this phase by choosing the last option "Store changes to the links without updating back links", but I'm interested to track such modifications in my OSLC CM content provider and prevent from seeing such error message.

I will appreciate any help with solving this issue.

Thanks ahead,
Alex Goldin

3 answers

permanent link
Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Jan 31 '14, 9:55 a.m.
We have the same problem with version 4.0.5
We cannot collaborate with a collaboration tool :)

permanent link
Samir Patel (357) | answered May 20 '14, 10:33 a.m.
Does anyone have any further information on this issue. We are seeing similar message while trying to update "Implements Requirements" in RRC. We are using Version 4.0.1.

Samir Patel commented May 20 '14, 10:37 a.m.

Correction above is "RTC" not "RRC".

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.2k33646) | answered May 20 '14, 11:44 a.m.
All I know about links and how to create them is here:

Note, this is the java API.

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