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How do I generate a query that will show me all of the children and their descriptions for a parent?

Christi Cain (111) | asked Sep 09 '13, 9:07 a.m.
I have a parent with many children.  I want a query that will show me all of the children and the summary, description of those children.

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Marek Siekierski (817510) | answered Sep 09 '13, 9:55 a.m.
Hi Christi,

In order for the description of the work items to show in the query results, you have to select the Column Display tab, and under the Result Columns click "Add Column...". Here you can select the description field to show in the results.

To display the children for your top-level work items, you will have to select an Parent > Type attribute condition that matches the top-level work item.

Hope this helps.

Christi Cain commented Sep 09 '13, 10:07 a.m.

Hi Marek,
I can generate a query that shows me the 1 parent I want in my query.
What I can't get to show is the results is a list of all the children associated with that parent.

Marek Siekierski commented Sep 09 '13, 10:13 a.m.

In your attribute conditions, expand the "Parent" condition and select the conditions that apply to your parent work item. The query results will display the children of that parent.

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