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Doors RTC integration

vinay kumar nukala (4236772) | asked Aug 13 '13, 12:43 a.m.
I have integrated doors 9.5 client with RTC 4.0.2 successfully.

1.  Now, I have created a Task to the doors user to have a requirement change.He can see that task in doors when he try to open a doors module which is configured to CCM. This is fine.
 2. Now i have created a Workitem called SCR in Rtc. When i assign this workitem to the doors user there he cannot find this SCR when he try to open the doors module.
What might be the problem, please help me.

KrishnaKanth Naik commented Aug 13 '13, 3:03 a.m.

Hello Vinay

Could you please check if the SCR has the link to the DOORS artifact, I suspect there is some issue with the backlink creation.

One answer

permanent link
Georg Kellner (840481109) | answered Aug 13 '13, 2:50 a.m.
You can only see WorkItems in Doors which are linked against a Doors module or requirement.

Just assigning a user isn't the solution.

greetings georg.

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