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Registering a new widget to the catalogue

Emma Nugee (1144) | asked Jul 31 '13, 8:34 a.m.

I am attempting to develop a new widget to run on an existing Jazz server, and am beginning with following this guide:

I don't want to create a test server, just to upload a new widget to my personal dashboard, but I cannot find any documentation on how to do this? The closest I have found is a mention of 'registering the bundle', but no explicit guides, only instructions to refer to the component development guides. Unfortunately I have looked through these with no luck.

Does anyone know how I should be proceeding here?

Many thanks,

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 31 '13, 11:22 a.m.
Emma, you are developing an extension to the server. You definitely want to try this on a test server.
Please read to understand how to set up RTC with the SDK and where to get more information. The referenced Article about extending RTC also describes how you deploy an extension.

Emma Nugee commented Jul 31 '13, 11:59 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

Thank you for this. I had got the impression from the Hello World tutorials that viewlets were far more separate things rather than an extension to the server itself; thank you for correcting me! I'll read through those links and see what I can make of them.

The widget I had planned is in Javascript rather than Java; does this make a big difference?

Many thanks,

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