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Why ETL Data Collection Jobs does not reflect latest parameter values (say iteration, timeline etc) when running Dashboard viewlet like Burn Down charts ? ?

Sandhya Prabhu (1610) | asked Jul 31 '13, 1:57 a.m.
edited Jul 31 '13, 4:23 a.m. by Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119)
Why ETL Data Collection Jobs does not reflect latest parameter values (say iteration, timeline etc) when running Dashboard viewlet like Burn Down charts ?

 For example when we add new iteration say Sprint 2 and when  running dashboard viewlets we are not able to see this value Sprint 2 under iteration parameter even if you we try this after many days and data collection jobs are successful ?.  Does this mean ETL jobs are not running properly ?

I will really appreciate your help !


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Elisabeth Carbone (616108) | answered Jul 31 '13, 4:24 a.m.
Hello Sandhya,
you can check the status of the etl jobs here:
ccm: https://server:port/ccm/
jts: https://server:port/ccm/

I noticed the following. I got the new iteration as parameter in for example a Burn Down chart on a Dashboard after I had at least one Workitem where "Planned for" was set to this new Iteration. Then run the etl jobs.

Hope this helps,

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