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Web Client javascript validator message shown twice - bug or something I did wrong?

Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | asked Jul 29 '13, 10:01 p.m.
edited Jul 30 '13, 2:23 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
I've recently added a JavaScript-based validator on the FiledAgainst attribute and enabled Attribute Validation.

If I modify a work item such that the validator will cause an Error message and click Save:
1) in the Eclipse Client, I get a single copy of my message at the top:
Invalid value of attribute 'Filed Against': The work item owned by an individual must be Filed Against a team backlog. Set the Filed Against attribute to your teams' backlog.
(the part after the : is my message).

2) In the Web client, the same thing shows the error at the top but I get 2 copies:
Invalid value of attribute 'Filed Against': The work item owned by an individual must be Filed Against a team backlog. Set the Filed Against attribute to your teams' backlog. Invalid value of attribute 'Filed Against' in work item '66382': The work item owned by an individual must be Filed Against a team backlog. Set the Filed Against attribute to your teams' backlog.

Is there something I did incorrectly in my validator?  I can't believe so because the Eclipse client shows properly.


Rachel Alderman commented May 23 '14, 11:18 a.m.

Hi Susan,

Using RTC 4.0.6, I've been working on a validator script on the summary attribute. I've been experiencing the same problem that you've described. At save of a invalid summary on the browser, the error message is displayed twice. Did you ever get to the bottom of the problem?

I've tried debugging and I can see the script runs twice on the client side (ie before save) when I run it with Chrome's debugger or firebug and Firefox - but I don't understand why.

Then according to my server-side debugging, using console.log statements, on save the script only runs once - yet I get the error message displayed twice (but not when doing the same thing in the RTC client).

Any help/suggestions gratefully received!

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Jul 30 '13, 2:57 a.m.
 Hello Susan,
try and use Firefox and firebug to determine why / if your code is called twice.
you may add some tracing to your js validator so it will output some trace in the firebug console,
and/or debug your javascript.

Hope it helps.

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José Humberto Cruvinel (613) | answered Jul 25 '14, 1:54 p.m.
Dear Eric, as you can see, Rachel told that the script was run once at web client, but the message showed twice.

I have the same problem.

At my Eclipse client the message shows once, but the same validation, when runs at web client, shows duplicated message.

Please help us.

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