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Save Work Item precondition - get Parent workitem

David Weber (7621810) | asked Jan 12 '09, 3:20 p.m.
I have a 'Save Work Item (server)' Precondition. I have a requirement to 'inspect' the workitem's Parent (if it exists) in this precondition as part of a validation rule. The problem I have is that when the user invokes 'Add -> Set Parent...', then 'saves' the workitem, the Precondition does not recognize that the parent relationship exists. Only after the 'save' is successful, if I 'save' the workitem again, does the Precondition recognize the Parent relationship.

Is there a technique that I can use to find the Parent workitem in the Precondition on that first 'save' (when the parent relationship is first established)?

Thanks in advance,


Accepted answer

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David Weber (7621810) | answered Jan 15 '09, 3:26 p.m.
I found the solution... posting it for the benefit of others.

public IWorkItemHandle findParent(AdvisableOperation operation) throws TeamRepositoryException
Object data = operation.getOperationData();

if (data instanceof ISaveParameter) // from Workitem -> save operation
ISaveParameter saveParameter = (ISaveParameter) data;
IWorkItemReferences ref = saveParameter.getNewReferences();
List<IEndPointDescriptor> types = ref.getTypes();
for (IEndPointDescriptor desc : types)
if (desc.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("parent")) // "parent" is an RTC/Jazz string ID
List<IReference> refList = ref.getReferences(desc);

if (refList.size() > 0)
IReference iRef = refList.get(0); // Only one parent
Object obj = iRef.resolve();
if (obj instanceof IWorkItemHandle) // Only looking for Workitems.
return (IWorkItemHandle) obj;
return null;
return null;
return null;
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

6 other answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 18 '12, 10:06 a.m.
The WorkItemEndPoints are only a subset. Try the WorkItemLinkTypes and the ILinkRegistry. There are Link types for requirements.


Canberk Akduygu commented Sep 18 '12, 4:22 p.m. | edited Sep 18 '12, 4:23 p.m.

You're simply great :) That was what ı was looking for. Finally I finished my plugin :)

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Sep 18 '12, 7:03 a.m.

Is it ppossible to check if workitem is linked to a requirement?

ı couldn't find any WorkItemEndPoints properties that might show the requirement.

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Sep 19 '12, 2:07 a.m.

My plugins purpose is to check if my task contains a link to a requirement or not. If not, you can't save workitem, if there's a link you can save it. I finished the plugin and deployed to server. I tested on both RTC and RRC sides.

When you create a workitem through RTC web client or thick client, the plugin works. It warns user in case of a missing link. But if I try to add a workitem to a requirement with a "implemented by" link throug RRC web client, we cant save the workitem. The plugin warns me about "not having a requirement linked to the workitem". I guess linking operation bahaves differently.

sam detweiler commented Sep 20 '12, 8:19 a.m.

there are TWO sets of data, old and proposed new..

I but you are checking OldState.. (which doesn't have the link yet) chaneg to checking NewState

Ralph Schoon commented Sep 20 '12, 11:54 a.m.

That is something to check, sa mentioned in my other answer. However, there are really links that don't trigger a participants. I am not sure if these are of the class. The inconsistent behavior in RTC and the external tools are disturbing.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 19 '12, 11:16 a.m.

I found out recently that CLM link changes don't trigger advisors or participants and filed . This might be a situation that is similar. I am not sure. You might want to file a work item or support my work item.

On the the hand, I am wondering if you plugin looks at the right references in the saveParameter.

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Sep 20 '12, 4:08 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I only check if there's a reference to the workitem by implemented by link and it seems to work. I haven't checked the content but as I debug I see that whenever I add a requirement to the workitem, the size of the LinkTypeReference increases. I added my comment to the workitem.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 20 '12, 7:52 a.m.
Hi Canberk,

I took the opportunity to blog what I found about work item links in my blog:

It is client side only today. The restriction really is that I couldn't find a quick way to access the references of work items on the server (except in plug ins, where I have a save parameter). I found that and work on more. Currently I am struggling with finding the code to create a link on the server.

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