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Why some iterations don't have the attribute Timeline in RRDI?

Jorge Valdeiglesias (541823) | asked Jul 02 '13, 11:21 a.m.
 We are making a report where we use the timeline as a filter. Thing is that we have only 5 different timelines when we should have way more. We checked the data and saw that is the iteration that miss most of this information.

We checked in ODS>Iteration Area>Iteration>Timeline Name and brings only a few.
If we check ODS>Iteration Area>Timeline>Name  it looks that is bringing the timelines.

We are missing most of the iteration's timeline info

Accepted answer

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Junli Wang (5512) | answered Jul 03 '13, 11:56 p.m.
ODS>Iteration Area>Timeline is Timeline table loaded with all the timelines.
ODS>Iteration Area>Iteration is Iteration table loaded with all the iterations, and related timeline as a foreign key, so it only shows the timeline that this iteration belongs to.
If ODS>Iteration Area>Iteration>Timeline Name is empty, that must be something wrong with the ETL loading incorrect data.
Suggest to run a full load in data collection jobs to see whether it will fix the problem.

Jorge Valdeiglesias selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Jorge Valdeiglesias (541823) | answered Jul 04 '13, 11:07 a.m.
 Thansk for the answer Junli Wang.

How can i do this? is from RTC or Cognos configuration?

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Gail Burati (611) | answered Jul 17 '13, 2:19 p.m.
Hi Jorge -
I believe the full load option Junli is referring to is n the data collection jobs page is way to the right - you must hover your cursor in the Actions column and select the rightmost icon - see the red box below: Where Full Load Icon will appear when you hover i

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