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Restricting access to Team are Dashboards [RTC V3.0.1.1]

VK L (8177157159) | asked Jun 19 '13, 4:07 a.m.
retagged Jun 19 '13, 2:38 p.m. by Amy Laird (16514)
Hi All,
          Is it possible to restrict the visibility of the team area dashboard itself to other teams? Currently, other team area users still can go into the dashboard - even though items are not visible. The problem is that, if we insert a static content like a Birt/Insight report widget, it will still be visible.

Please advise.


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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Jun 20 '13, 8:20 p.m.
Looking at the permissions related to Dashboards, they only seem to be configurable for Save (create, delete, modify). Playing around with dashboards some, I see no way to make team dashboards protected/private.

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