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Customize popup work item presentation layout

Miguel Angel Gutierrez (312) | asked Jun 12 '13, 4:05 a.m.

I would like to add custom attributes in "popup" work item presentation that is displayed when the mouse hovers over an element.

Is this possible?


Indradri Basu commented Jun 12 '13, 4:14 a.m.

I don't think it is but if you can explain a bit more on what you are trying to achieve perhaps with some examples, then you might get alternative ideas here.

Miguel Angel Gutierrez commented Jun 12 '13, 5:10 a.m. | edited Jun 12 '13, 5:12 a.m.

Hi Indradi!

Here is an image of I want to do...


Accepted answer

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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered Jun 12 '13, 6:33 a.m.
Hi Miguel, I am sorry I couldn't read much of the content in the screenshot but it looks like you are hovering over a linked artifact to bring up the details.
If my assumption is correct then you need to add the attribute presentations in the "lightweight work item editor"

Miguel Angel Gutierrez selected this answer as the correct answer

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