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Unhandled exception: length cannot be less than zero Excel Import

Corey Jacobs (642539) | asked May 21 '13, 9:11 p.m.
I'm using 2010 Excel to import multiple testcases using the RQMExcelWordImporter tool for the first time and RQM 4.0.2.  When attempting to export to either file or repository, I'm receiving an error 'length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length'.  I tried removing/commenting some of the fields from my config file and still run into this error.  Any clue?

Config file I created
//configuration file for sample migration for admin
testcase.category term="Test Purpose".value=C
testcase.category term="Product".value=E
testcase.category term="Product Version".value=F
testcase.category term="Test Team".value=G
testcase.category term="CM Enabled".value=H
testcase.category term="CM ID Level".value=I
testcase.category term="Component Tested".value=J
testcase.category term="DB2 Level".value=K
testcase.category term="MVS Level".value=L
testcase.category term="Should this scenario be automated".value=M
//testcase.Section("", "RQM-KEY-TC-TEST-DESCRIPTION-TITLE")=N

Corey Jacobs commented Jun 03 '13, 2:42 p.m.

No longer receiving this error.

3 answers

permanent link
Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered May 21 '13, 9:37 p.m.
Is there any additional information regarding the error in the Mso2Rqm_Debug.log (It will be located \Application Data\mso2Rqm folder)?

permanent link
Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered May 21 '13, 10:28 p.m.
there's no problem with your config file, would you provide the log as Ara mentioned, and if possible please attach the excel used.

permanent link
Corey Jacobs (642539) | answered May 28 '13, 2:35 p.m.
Here's my log

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMExporter created!

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMExporter Startup!

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Mso2Rqm: Mso2Rqm instantiated

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: caption : RQM

5/21/2013 3:07:34 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Created commands

5/21/2013 5:44:25 PM:

5/21/2013 5:44:25 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:44:25 PM

5/21/2013 5:44:25 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:45:25 PM:

5/21/2013 5:45:25 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:45:25 PM

5/21/2013 5:45:26 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:45:36 PM:

5/21/2013 5:45:36 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:45:36 PM

5/21/2013 5:45:36 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:47:13 PM:

5/21/2013 5:47:13 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:47:13 PM

5/21/2013 5:47:14 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:48:17 PM:

5/21/2013 5:48:17 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:48:17 PM

5/21/2013 5:48:17 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:49:16 PM:

5/21/2013 5:49:16 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:49:16 PM

5/21/2013 5:49:16 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:50:41 PM:

5/21/2013 5:50:41 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:50:41 PM

5/21/2013 5:50:42 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:51:41 PM:

5/21/2013 5:51:41 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:51:41 PM

5/21/2013 5:51:41 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:51:52 PM:

5/21/2013 5:51:52 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:51:52 PM

5/21/2013 5:51:52 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 5:55:19 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: RQMConnector: Logout - Error logging out:https://localhost:9443/rqm

5/21/2013 5:55:19 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Unable to connect to the remote server

5/21/2013 5:55:19 PM: EXCEPTION: : Unable to connect to the remote server

5/21/2013 5:55:19 PM:    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
   at Mso2Rqm_Common.RQMConnector.LogOut(String url)

5/21/2013 5:55:19 PM: EXCEPTION: : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

5/21/2013 5:55:19 PM:    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
   at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)

5/21/2013 5:56:05 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: response from project contained <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title type="text">projects ATOM feed for all project areas</title>
<link href="" rel="alternate"/>
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<entry xmlns=""><id></id><title type="text">IM Tools QA Test</title><summary type="text">Alias: IMTools+QA+Test</summary><link href="" rel="alternate" type="application/xml"></link><content type="application/xml"><ns2:project xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns13="" xmlns:ns14="" xmlns:ns16="" xmlns:ns17="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns9=""><ns3:identifier xmlns:ns3=""></ns3:identifier><ns3:title xmlns:ns3="">IM Tools QA Test</ns3:title><ns3:description xmlns:ns3="">Alias: IMTools+QA+Test</ns3:description><ns2:alias xmlns:ns2="" type="string">IMTools+QA+Test</ns2:alias><ns2:settingsids xmlns:ns2=""><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid></ns2:settingsids></ns2:project></content><link href="" rel="enclosure" type="text/html" title="Web Console"></link></entry><entry xmlns=""><id></id><title type="text">SDI Lifecycle Project (Quality Management)</title><summary type="text">Alias: SDI+Lifecycle+Project+%28Quality+Management%29</summary><link href="" rel="alternate" type="application/xml"></link><content type="application/xml"><ns2:project xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns13="" xmlns:ns14="" xmlns:ns16="" xmlns:ns17="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:ns9=""><ns3:identifier xmlns:ns3=""></ns3:identifier><ns3:title xmlns:ns3="">SDI Lifecycle Project (Quality Management)</ns3:title><ns3:description xmlns:ns3="">Alias: SDI+Lifecycle+Project+%28Quality+Management%29</ns3:description><ns2:alias xmlns:ns2="" type="string">SDI+Lifecycle+Project+%28Quality+Management%29</ns2:alias><ns2:settingsids xmlns:ns2=""><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid><ns2:settingid xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:settingid></ns2:settingsids></ns2:project></content><link href="" rel="enclosure" type="text/html" title="Web Console"></link></entry></feed>

5/21/2013 5:56:05 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: response from project has response content key

5/21/2013 5:56:05 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: response has keys: System.Collections.Hashtable+HashtableEnumerator

5/21/2013 5:56:17 PM:

5/21/2013 5:56:17 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:56:17 PM

5/21/2013 5:56:17 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1

5/21/2013 5:57:03 PM:

5/21/2013 5:57:03 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 5:57:03 PM

5/21/2013 5:57:04 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 6:06:30 PM:

5/21/2013 6:06:30 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 6:06:30 PM

5/21/2013 6:06:30 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 6:08:52 PM:

5/21/2013 6:08:52 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 6:08:52 PM

5/21/2013 6:08:52 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 6:09:55 PM:

5/21/2013 6:09:55 PM:
SESSION: 5/21/2013 6:09:55 PM

5/21/2013 6:09:55 PM: Getting artifacts from current document Book1.xls

5/21/2013 6:12:27 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands

5/21/2013 6:12:27 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: ExcelApplicationContext: Destroyed commands

5/21/2013 6:12:27 PM: INFO: <Unknown Caller Context>: Mso2Rqm Shutdown!

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