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exectuing multiple commands using ant (exec)

Ananya Joisa (4562124) | asked May 10 '13, 1:03 a.m.
Hi All,

I have my Jazz Team Server setup in a AIX machine and I am trying to run builds now. I am trying to run the following commands.

ssh machine_name (ssh to a machine)
cd /path_to_executable (in the newly logged in machine cd to a particular location)
perl (run a script in the new path)

I want to be able to run these commands in ant(build.xml). To avoid password prompt during ssh, I have followed the this setup of passwordless ssh :

Will I be able to use ant 'exec' task to run these? Could someone please suggest what can be done?

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Jeff Care (1.0k3833) | answered May 14 '13, 2:33 p.m.
You may want to look at Ant's sshexec task.

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