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How to remove "Teams" widget using project template

Srikanth Bhushan (16942734) | asked May 06 '13, 3:49 a.m.
retagged May 06 '13, 3:30 p.m. by Tory Jaskoviak (52015)


By default in 4.0.1, there is a widget called "Teams" in the dashboard.

We can remove it as an end user after logging in.

However how can we disable or delete it for all users across the project/server using the process templates?

I can see this when I open the process template for a Project, but doesnt have any option to remove or disable it

3 answers

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Nov 14 '13, 2:25 p.m.
All of CLM is consistent in this regard. This is NOT specific to RQM.

For others sake, the screen shots above are showing the context of the dashboard... Project, Team, or Personal.
The widget definitions are done in columns. The "Project Details" is tracked in a non-configurable column.

The enhancement that would track removing Project Details (or promoting it as a 1st class widget) is Remove the Project/Team Details Section from the Dashboard (286927).

Donat Hutter commented Oct 08 '14, 9:06 a.m.

Good to see, that the Project/Team Details viewlet is replaced by widgets in V5.


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Josh Crawford (984615) | answered May 06 '13, 4:34 p.m.
 Hi Srikanth,  if you expand the dashboard template types to the elements below you will find you can right click and select delete on the viewlets you don't want to see in the dashboards by default. 

Srikanth Bhushan commented May 07 '13, 3:47 a.m.

Hi Josh,

Thanks for the answer.

For me as you see in the screenshot i attached earlier, I dont see the arrow to expand the "Project" and "Team". If I click on Project or Team, it says there is no template for this type and "click here to create one".

Am i missing something here?


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Srikanth Bhushan (16942734) | answered May 20 '13, 2:30 a.m.

Confirmed from IBM that its not possible for RQM projects. Logged an enhancement request as siggested

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