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How can report templates be extracted from RTC ?

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Apr 22 '13, 7:45 a.m.
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One group has successfully determined how to bring their RTC application to a crashing halt apparently due to their report resources.  I can find Active Services like this:

Active Services 

Service Name         Running Time  Requested By                                                  More Information      00:00:00:000    Kevin Ramer    Show Details    02:18:51:855    LU XIAO    Show Details    03:21:17:363    LU XIAO    Show Details

[ Those are *small* running time compared to most, before the application died almost 20h for one and several going with minimum 14h ]

I need to get all the non-ootb report design out of the RTC database to at least try to find the smoking gun.  Who can help ?

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ankur sharma (66212228) | answered Apr 22 '13, 8:43 a.m.
There is no direct way but you can narrow down by checking the <user> against the postRenderReport Active Service.
Then narrow down the recently run reports by that <user>


The long running report should be one of these (hopefully it won't be a long list)

Kevin Ramer commented Apr 22 '13, 8:47 a.m.

What form does value for <user> take ?  Our User id are in the form:

Karol W commented Apr 22 '13, 9:01 a.m. | edited Apr 22 '13, 9:16 a.m.

 I believe <user> is contributor's userid, same you are using as login.

ankur sharma commented Apr 23 '13, 1:33 a.m.

Yes....same id that you shall also see in the Active Services entry

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