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What version of RTC supports WAS 8.5 ND?

Sampath Sriramadhesikan (312) | asked Apr 04 '13, 10:25 a.m.
I have RTC installed on WAS I am using WAS Modern batch infrastructure for several data loading batch programs. I plan to switch to WAS 8.5 to take advantage of parallel data loading capabilities. But it appears RTC is not certified for WAS 8.5.

Accepted answer

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Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Apr 04 '13, 10:41 a.m.
@Sampath At the present time WAS 8.5 is not supported by any current RTC version.
There is a Plan Item asking to support this integration.
[JAF] Support WAS 8.5 (232524) 
Please feel free to add to it.
Sandy Grewal
Sampath Sriramadhesikan selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Apr 04 '13, 10:37 a.m.
Check out the link below:

Looks like WAS 8.5 is not yet supported. 

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