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Rational Team Concert: Setting Operation Behavior only for one stream in a project area.

Varun Malisetty (1123) | asked Mar 22 '13, 5:56 a.m.
 I've a scenario where there are several streams inside the Project and I have to restrict deliveries to a particular stream(just a maintenance stream,not an integration stream).

Precondition("Work Items must match a query" for ex) set in Operations Behavior-> Source Control -> Deliver(Server) seem to be applicable for delivering into all the streams, but I want my preconditions to be considered only for one particular stream. Is it possible?

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 22 '13, 8:26 a.m.
Varun, as far as I can tell, the operational behavior does not allow to do that.

Operational behavior is controlled by the owner of the item it applies to. So what you could do, is to have the sream owned by a team. You can try to configure the operational behavior you want for that stream in that team e.g. for everyone. If you remove the operational behavior from the project level, it would would only trigger for that stream.

See for more info on how that works.

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