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What is the recommended LOCKTIMEOUT for CCM on DB2 9.7?

Scott Crouch (48532426) | asked Feb 25 '13, 8:46 a.m.
 We're seeing lock timeouts on the DB for CCM only when doing SCM operations on very large codebases. We're wondering if we need to increase the LOCKTIMEOUT from the current setting of 15sec. And if so, what is the recommended setting?

The DB is db2 9.7 and the we're running RTC 4.0.1.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Feb 25 '13, 11:26 a.m.

I will answer from general DB2 experience.   Increasing the locktimeout will introduce trade-offs in that longer timeout will increase the likelyhood that more 'applications' will get into lock-wait state.  The more things in lock-wait the less work that gets done and could lead to deadlocks.  The lock timeout only affects those applications that are held in lock-wait status (they are terminated by DB2), not the application holding the lock.

The DB2 Performance rates lock a "medium" in terms of performance impact.  

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