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RTC Client - copy paste only pasting the first character

David Landry (2347) | asked Feb 11 '13, 9:04 a.m.
  • Trying to copy text from one work item to another in the RTC client.
  • Select a bunch of text, use copy (menu, context, or ctrl-c) and attempt to paste text into another work item
results in only one character being pasted into the target work item.

Have to copy, paste to a different app (gedit for example, then copy from that app, and do the paste into the new work item.)

Linux RHEL 6.3
Eclipse Version: 3.8.0 Build id: I20120608-1200
Rational Team Concert Client Feature    3.0.0.RTC-I20110307-184

Alex Fitzpatrick commented Feb 11 '13, 1:20 p.m.

 You have a curious combination of a new, but unsupported, Eclipse and a very old RTC.

Can you reproduce this with an official build/packaging of RTC? 

David Landry commented Feb 11 '13, 1:34 p.m. | edited Feb 11 '13, 6:22 p.m.

I can certainly try a supported version of eclipse (would 3.7.2 be okay?) But the RTC version is dictated by the server version which I have no control over (is there a newer version that would be compatible with 3.0.0 RTC server?)

I'll try Eclipse 3.7.2 in the meantime and let you know the results.

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Alex Fitzpatrick (5583816) | answered Feb 11 '13, 4:38 p.m.
All the 3.0.x clients should work with a 3.0 server.

My suggested configuration would be 3.7.2 of Eclipse with client since that's one of our recommended configurations used within IBM.

Note that the actual RTC (3.0.1.x) client is built against Eclipse 3.5.2

I would not recommend 3.8, 4.x at this time. 

David Landry commented Feb 11 '13, 1:38 p.m. | edited Feb 12 '13, 2:45 p.m.

FYI: 3.7.2 does solve the copy issue, but if there is a newer client I can use with my unchangable server I would be interested in trying it out.


Geoffrey Clemm commented Feb 12 '13, 3:03 p.m. | edited Feb 12 '13, 3:03 p.m.

Unfortunately, the "client must be at a no later version that the server" applies to 4 digit releases ... so a 3.0.1.x client is guaranteed to work against a 3.0.1.y server only if x is no greater than y.   Work item RTC servers at version N should support (newer) clients from fixpack releases N.0.0.x (237832) requests that a client should be compatible with any server whose version only differs in the 4'th digit.  Note that some later 4'th digit clients are compatible with earlier servers, but it is not guaranteed.

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