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Is there any way to see related work items Project Area's in a Cross-Project Plan?

Gonzalo Garcia Favre (613813) | asked Feb 06 '13, 9:10 a.m.
Hi All,

I have created a new Project Area which contains a Cross Project Plan. In that plan, I've included relationships to 4 other Project Areas.
When displaying the plan, I can see the relationships between what I've created in the cross project plan (Epics), with the WI's created in the others PA (Stories). But, I cant distinguish in which PA are located any of the Stories, except if I move the mouse over the name of each Story.

My question is: Is there any other way to show the information of related WI (Stories) just to show more information (E.g.: Project Area, Iteration) on the Project Plan?


2 answers

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wolfgang steindl (2061011) | answered Feb 21 '13, 12:33 p.m.
I checked with RTC 4.0.1

I added columns like Project Area, Team Area, ... to my cross project plan. I unfortunately had the same experience as you had. The attribute-values in the columns were only displayed with values if the WI is from the same PA.

Sorry to confirm your observation.

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Gustavo Monti Rocha (251316) | answered Apr 11 '13, 1:43 p.m.
This workitem:

address this question.

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