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RRC 4.0 and Use Case

Len Stockdale (1412123) | asked Feb 06 '13, 7:25 a.m.

I have RTC and RRC 4.0 installed locally on my PC (Win 7).  I am using TOMCAT 7.

I can create artifacts using RRC i.e. Business Process Diagram etc but when I try to create a Use Case, RRC locks up. I have to end the session using the Task Manager.

I am using Firefox 12.0   I have tried IE9 but that is even worse, with IE9 I cannot even see my previously artifacts or create new ones. I get a CRRRW7323E  message.

I noticed in my TOMCAT command window the following message.

ERROR - CRRRS4120I << -- No entity -

Can anyone help please.



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