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Error while Installing RAM 7.5.1 in WAS 8.0 - CRRAM701E

Julio Florido (534) | asked Jan 29 '13, 8:44 p.m.

I am currently installing RAM 7.5.1, but I have an error in the configuration section (ram.setup). When trying to populate the database RTC 2 gives me the following error:

CRRAM701E: Database - error - Repo Tools pluginId must not be null Usage:-createTables - Create the database tables. [ = config / jazz /] - Path to the file [logFile = repotools_createTables.log] - Path to the log file. [noprompt] - Do not prompt before creating the tables.

Accepted answer

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Jan 30 '13, 8:20 a.m.
edited Jan 30 '13, 8:21 a.m.
7.5.1 does not support WAS 8  ... (tentative March) does. Check out M2.
Julio Florido selected this answer as the correct answer

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