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IBM Engineering Test Management 7.0

Product Release / Trial | March 20, 2020
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Engineering Test Management New & Noteworthy

IBM Engineering Test Management 7.0 New & Noteworthy

Engineering Test Management is an integral part of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) solution.

New in Engineering Test Management 7.0

For a complete list of new and noteworthy items in this release, see the New & Noteworthy Details.

For a summary of items in this release, see the following highlights:

Receive email notifications when test artifacts changed

In this release, you can now receive email notifications for changes in test cases, test plans, test suites, or test scripts. To configure the notification, go to User Profile > My Preferences for Quality Management > Change notifications.

Add test cases to a test suite and run the test suite offline

In this release, you can now add multiple test cases to a test suite and run the test suite offline. For offline execution, the test cases must have manual test scripts. You can select the test plan, test phase, iteration, test environment, and build information. After a successful execution, an RQMS file is generated. Download and save the file.

To import the RQMS file to Microsoft Excel (XLS), use the Add-ins > Import for offline option. One test suite result and multiple execution results open in separate XLS sheets. Provide the result details and export the file back into the repository where you downloaded the RQMS file from.

When duplicating test plans or test cases, include related test case execution records with or without test case results

When you duplicate test cases or test plans within or across projects, you can now include test case execution records with or without the related test case results:

  • For test cases: In the duplication dialog box, select Include links to duplicates of the test artifacts that the original artifacts link to and specify which execution records to include.
  • For test plans: In the duplication dialog box, select Include test case execution records and specify which ones to include.

When you duplicate test case results, only the latest one is copied.

If a test case execution record is linked to a test plan, this record and the test case results are not copied when you duplicate the associated test case.

When you duplicate test case results across the project, if the test environments for test case execution record and latest test case result are different in the source project, the test environment for test case in the target project is overwritten by the mapped test environment for test case execution record.

ETM artifacts from archived project areas are no longer reported in LQE

When you archive a project area, delete events are published to the ETM TRS feed for all artifacts that belong to the project area, so that LQE (or any other consumer) can consume the events. When you restore a previously archived project area, creation events are published to the TRS Feed.

Now, event processing after a project area archive or restore also supports server restart. If you turn off your server while the internal processing of an archived process area is working, when you turn it on again the processing will resume where it left off.

New in other applications

For new and noteworthy information about other applications, see these pages:

For a list of changes to the installation and upgrade process, see the ELM 7.0 Installation and Upgrade Notes.

New in previous versions of Engineering Test Management

For details about new features and functionality in previous releases, see these pages: