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Jazz Foundation 7.0.1 SR1

Product Release / Trial | August 26, 2022
This is not the most recent version. We recommend Jazz Foundation 7.0.3 . This is made available for archival purposes and may contain bugs and/or security vulnerabilities. If you do download this version, it is being provided AS IS, without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We strongly advise you review the support pages for this version and update the product or take actions recommended therein. Security bulletins contain instructions for the security vulnerability addressed therein, and may require upgrading to a newer version. Link to security vulnerability blog: IBM PSIRT blog.
New & Noteworthy Release Notes Upgrading All Downloads

ELM 7.0.1 SR1 iFix018 is available with Log4j2 updates. This interim fix requires full installation and is the prerequisite for future interim fixes. For more information, see IBM Support portal.

Jazz Foundation 7.0.1 New & Noteworthy

Jazz Foundation 7.0.1 SR1 New & Noteworthy

Jazz Foundation is an integral part of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) solution.

New in Jazz Foundation and Global Configuration Management (GCM) 7.0.1

For a complete list of new and noteworthy items in this release, see the New & Noteworthy details.

For a summary of items in this release, see the following highlights:

GCM: Query enhancements

1. Query across project areas

You can now run a query across multiple project areas in the same repository. Use the Project Areas field at the top of the query editor to designate one or more project areas. The default area is the current project area. The query shows results from all selected project areas. The available attributes to use in the conditions and result columns are a union of attributes from the selected project areas. You can also see a new Project Area result column in the query results to identify the source of the matching configurations.

The query editor collapses the equivalent attributes (having the same URI and data type) from different project areas. But it flags the following conflicts in the attribute names:
  • Equivalent attributes with different names
  • Non-equivalent attributes with the same name

2. Query using subqueries

You can now nest one query inside another query by using the Subquery condition. The value of this condition is another query in the same project area. Whenever the main query runs, the latest conditions of the subquery are placed inline with the conditions of the main query. The subquery respects the project areas and result columns of the calling query.

When you select is as an operator, the subquery matches the results that are specified by its conditions. When you select is not as an operator, the subquery results are negated, matching everything that does not meet the subquery's conditions. The subquery condition works within a group just like any other condition. It shows a union of the results with the OR operator, and an intersection of the results with an AND operator.

3. Query on archived configurations

A new Archived query condition is added that supplants the Show archived configurations toggle for query results. The advantage of adding this condition is that it can be saved with the query. It has three values: true (for archived configurations), false (for active configurations), and archived and active (for both). If your query doesn't include the archived condition, the results would show only active configurations, preserving the behavior of prior releases.

4. Query for non-existence

New operators are added to enhance the query capabilities for checking non-existence:

  • A does not exist operator for custom attributes
  • The not any of, any, and none operators for tags
  • The does not contain, is not, and does not start or end with operators for strings (including the title)

5. Query on child configuration attributes

You can now include conditions in your query that match the attributes of a child global configuration. Expand the Child Configuration section of a query condition to choose an attribute.

For example, consider a query with the following conditions:

Configuration Type is any of [Stream] AND Child Configuration > Configuration Type is any of [Baseline]

Here, the query matches all global streams that have global baselines as direct child contributions.

The results are always parent global configurations; the matching children are just a part of the query qualifications. Also, these conditions query against child global configurations only, and not local configurations from other applications.

GCM: Distinct permissions to add or remove links

Previously, the permissions to add or remove links were governed by the attribute modification permissions. Now, the attribute modification permissions and the permissions to add or remove links are distinct. The attribute modification permissions govern the attributes only (not the links). A separate set of Add or remove links permissions are added for each system-defined link type and all user-defined link types.

GCM: Customize suffix separator in configuration names

Now you can customize the separator value that is used between the base name and suffix in a configuration name by using a new Advanced Property, Suffix separator in configuration names. The default separator value of one single space remains unchanged. Enter any string of your choice as a value (for example, "_", "#", and so on) or leave it empty. To represent a space character, use <space> and for a percent character, use <percent>.

Browser support

Chromium Edge is now a supported browser.

New in other applications

For new and noteworthy information about other applications, see these pages:

New in previous versions of Jazz Foundation

For details about new features and functionality in previous releases, see these pages: